In the small Belgian town of Thimister-Clermont, you will find certainly one of the most beautifull tributes to the WWII veterans and the men they had to leave behind ... The Remember Museum, run by Marcel & Mathilde Schmetz.

Vehicles, Weapons & GI's in the Remember Museum at Thimister-Clermont

The Remember Museum opened it's doors on 12 June 1994. The official opening was performed by WWII veteran Bennie Zuskin who served in the 1st Infantry Division. The museum was a dream come true for the owners of this memorial, Marcel & Mathilde, soon to be known by many Veterans, relatives and Associations as ... the M&M's.

Mathilde (left) & Marcel (right), flank WWII veteran Maury Johnson

The museum is beyond any doubt one of the most authentic places were visitors are able to travel back in time ... back in time to those dark days when World War II raged over Europe and German occupation weighed heavily on the local population.

Reminders of the German occupation

Marcel & Mathilde are famous for their ceremonies, luncheons and hospitality ... The museum and their home is always open to the men who liberated them from the Germans. Many veterans and relatives of the men they had to leave behind, already visited this magnificent memorial ...

87th Inf. Div. veteran John McAuliffe with the M&M's

Marcel & Mathilde provide many hartwarming, but sometimes tragic stories along with the objects in the museum. The mannequins which wear the many authentic uniforms are created by Marcel himself, the same goes for many other parts of the museum ... Marcel & Mathilde succeeded in turning a farm into an amazing possibilty for remembrance and education, a possibility for present and future generations !